My name is Nick

about me

musician. distance runner. speed cuber. chess nerd.

Hey there - nice to meet you! I'm Nick, a web developer based out of Toronto and a recent graduate of Juno College of Technology. I enjoy designing and developing responsive and accessible websites using front-end technologies such as React and JavaScript. Currently looking to apply my experience in website design, development, and SEO (search engine optimization) at a company that values a passion for learning and a love for collaboration! When I'm not busy coding (???), you can find me going for a run on one of Toronto's trails, learning a new chess opening, or playing a tune to a mind-numbing metronome (fun stuff, I know!).

In addition to the front-end technologies mentioned, I am also learning Node.js and strengthening my working knowledge of databases. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you think my skill set may be suited for a position - I'd love to chat about a potential opportunity (front-end or full-stack), nerd-out to code, or simply talk about the Leafs' latest season (let's not)!


Project 'delicious' home landing page


PSD transferred into multi-page site, pixel for pixel. Check out the Home page, Contact page, and try adding a comment to the Blog page!

tech stack

live repo
Project 'Hot Artist App' home landing page

hot artists

Used the Last.fm API to gather play count data of today's top artists! Paired-programming methods used to create this app with Brian Yoon.

tech stack


live repo
Project 'Songs that slap' home landing page

songs that slap

A playlist generator that allows a user to add songs to their playlist and be saved to Firebase. Soon-to-have: Spotify API integration for OAuth.

tech stack

live repo


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • React
  • Git
  • Firebase
  • Figma